Welcome to my newsletter!

Who am I?

Hi. My name’s Harvey Hamer, I’m twenty-one, and from the South East of England. I’ve been writing outside of school since I was ten, though telling stories has been a passion since before then! When I was twelve, I started self-publishing novellas on Amazon, and for six years I just kept going! They were initially authorised novelisations that soon branched out to an interconnected universe of twenty-two books across three main series. Here’s a link to my Amazon author page, where you can find all twenty-two in chronological order in four omnibus volumes: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Harvey-Hamer/e/B01M0KES2K

Since leaving school, I’m pursuing traditional publishing, and also trying this newsletter stuff out. In that time I’ve been working on three novels, as well as writing three screenplays through a couple of online course and a six-month one at MetFilm School in London.

This is me looking authorly on a recent ‘research trip’.

I’m a big fan of large sci-fi/fantasy universes with complicated timelines, as well as our own Earth’s history and mythologies. And that’s what I write too! I’m also a fan of exercising, listening to music, and reading everyday (though not always at the same time!), and own just a small collection of Star Wars memorabilia and Lego… I swear!

Why subscribe?

Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. That means you’ll never miss an update, and my three weekly posts will be straight to your inbox, either your email or on the app if that’s something you want to try out! Subscribing will mean you’ll keep up to date on my weekly fiction too, never missing a chapter.

You’ll be part of a community of people who share your interests. This won’t just be a newsletter about me and my shenanigans, but about the things I’m enjoying and learning too, so there’ll be something for writers, readers, geeky fans and history buffs (hopefully).

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

What am I signing up for?

Another good question. I’m hoping three posts a week will be a good balance, but let me know!

Here’s what subscribers can expect from me weekly:

  • My Writing Journey: A post every Wednesday exploring and explaining how I got here - the things I’ve written and the lessons I’ve learnt about writing.

  • Children of Shadows: This is a story that I’ve been telling again and again since I was ten. A new chapter will be coming to your inbox every ‘Fiction Friday’.

  • Weekly Roundup: Every Sunday I’ll be sharing what cool writing-related things I’ve done and what progress I’ve made. Sometimes these could be short…

That’s a schedule I’m hoping to stick to, but we’ll see. Whilst in my fiction people can see the future, I’m not so great at it. I hope you’ll join me for the journey though, and please share this with anyone you think might enjoy joining along too.

Thank you,


Subscribe to Harvey’s Newsletter

A newsletter chronicling my writing journey: advice, inspirations, updates on what I'm doing - and some serialised speculative fiction.


Writer | Diamond Dimensions Universe Author | Star Wars Insider Contributor --not writing on here anymore (check out my new A Long Time Ago... newsletter, linked below)